Registration is open!

Registration for our memberships is done securely through, please click on the button below to access our registration portal.




  • The junior instruction program is offered on a weekly basis only, with the weekly period being Monday to Friday, and the standard weekly fee being applied in all cases, whether or not the student attends for the full week.
  • Each participant must be fully registered, with a signed release, prior to starting the program and full payment must be received before the start of any weekly session.
  • Enrolment in any weekly session is based on availability and is only guaranteed after the required documentation and full payment for that session is received.

Guest Rates

  • If space is available, bona fide houseguests of sailing membership families are welcome to participate in the program at the specified daily guest rate, provided they meet the age and swimming requirements, and a guest registration form is completed and a release is signed.


  • Refunds will be considered if the request is received in writing at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the weekly session for which the refund is requested.
  • Please submit the request, preferably via e-mail to the Secretary, with copies to the Treasurer and the Head Instructor (see contact information below).
  • Refunds will be applied in their entirety to future instruction weeks in the same sailing season for the same membership family. Otherwise, a cancellation fee of $25 will apply
  • Refunds will be made without penalty if withdrawal is required for medical reasons. 
  • Requests for refunds for withdrawals due to extenuating circumstances will be considered on an individual basis. Please contact the Secretary.
  • Note: No refunds are available for individual days, as sailing instruction is paid for on a weekly (Monday to Friday) basis.

Late Payments/Outstanding Fees

  • Please pay any outstanding fees promptly. A late fee of $25 will be charged, in addition to the weekly fee, if payment is not received before the start of the weekly session being attended.
  • If any fees remain outstanding after the last day of the program, an invoice will be mailed to the member and an additional late fee of $50 will be charged.
  • Please direct any questions about outstanding fees to the Treasurer via e-mail (see contact information below).
  • Any fees that remain outstanding at the start of the next season must be settled prior to registration.

Returned Cheques

  • If it is necessary to stop payment on a cheque after it is submitted, please notify the Treasurer by e-mail (see contact information below) as soon as possible.
  • A service charge of $25 will apply for any cheques returned by the bank.

USD Cheques

  • Cheques drawn on American bank accounts will not be accepted for membership/instruction fees.
  • If a Canadian bank account is not available, please pay by money order or cash in Canadian funds.
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